I’ve been absent from the blog for a while now. I won’t apologize because I just felt I had nothing to say or write about and I didn’t want to waste your time or mine coming up with something arbitrary and pointless. I now, however, do feel like I have something to say. Here goes:

I’ve been busy. Very busy. I keep telling myself that. It’s true. I’m not telling a falsehood when I say it. Between my full time job (46 hrs/wk right now), multiple church activities (deacon duties, Sunday school teacher, youth group teacher, etc), and the responsibilities of home ownership along with my own little side projects, I don’t have much free time. Or rather, I don’t take full advantage of the time I have. I admit, when I have time, instead of doing things I’m often paralyzed by having to pick something to work on over another thing so I get little to nothing done on anything. I’m busy, yes, but it shouldn’t keep me from doing what I want/love/enjoy to do. Instead, I find I need to make time to do the things that are for me. It doesn’t always work out, but I’m getting better at it.

It’s spring time in central Mississippi. Seeing as how I work I the plant industry, it’s arguably the busiest time of the year (hence the long work weeks). I tend to be worn out and beat down by the time I get home every day. So much so I don’t even want to do the things I enjoy. I just waste my evenings in front of the TV, stuffing my face. Yet, when I make myself do something for me, like play guitar or work on a project, it makes me feel better. It’s like I feel I’ve accomplished something. Spring is busy, but I still need to do things to relax and rejuvenate me. What good is any overtime if I’m too exhausted to enjoy the fruits of the labor?

Now, I do need to apologize. When I first started this blog about a year and a half ago, I mentioned that I was working on making an album of my own music. This has not happened, obviously. I let life , busyness, get in the way. I got frustrated and gave up. I walked away from writing any music or lyrics for a while. I’m sorry. I apologize to myself and to my readers. I let us all down. I’m getting back up and I’m going to finish writing and recording my music. It may not be perfect or professional, but it will be mine and one going to finish it.

Thanks for letting me ramble and flesh out some things going through my head. I hope my attempt at encouraging myself is helpful and encouraging to you. I’m going to try and do better about regularly posting here again. Thank you.

Poetry Monday 3/17/14

March 17, 2014

A busy week gone by
Another one has come
They never seem to change
Just keep repeating; it’s dumb

What can change a one week?
What can make it stand out?
Ever since I’ve been in the “real world”
That it can be done I highly doubt.

If you know the way
Please let me know too
I’d like my weeks to have meaning
And be a part of the few

Poetry Monday 3/10/14

March 10, 2014

An old guitar by his side
Together they’ve written so many songs
It’s got a soul of its own
Well broken in, to be played it longs

Long blonde hair
Sometimes bearded, sometimes shaved
Cowboy boots or all stars on his feet
Freedom is what he’s craved

Hits fall out of him
Like water from a faucet
Highs and lows throughout his life
Are the backdrop, they cause it

Listening to his music
You see into his soul
Take a listen to Tom Petty
And your musical education can be whole

Poetry Monday 3/3/14

March 3, 2014

Two of my friends now are one
A beautiful wedding, groom, and bride
I’m so glad to have been a part, playing and singing
And so happy they found one another I confide

I wish them happiness and peace
I wish them all the best
Above all I wish them joy
And pray that on Jesus they’ll continue to rest

Daniel and Hannah,
I love you both dearly
I’m praying for this new chapter
That in it you’ll see Christ more clearly

Poetry Monday 2/24/14

February 24, 2014

Putting together words
Making sentences that rhyme
Lines and meter
All together make poetry time!

Poetry Monday 2/17/14

February 17, 2014

Fever burning
Frying my insides
Body fighting to be well
Sweating, then shivering, like the changing of the tides

When will it end?
When will I feel like me?
Feeling defeated and weak
No light at tunnel’s end to see.

Poetry Monday 2/10/14

February 10, 2014

Crying out for help
No one seems to hear
Seeking understanding
But never finding a seer

No where to turn
No one to understand
When your falling and lost
No one to give a hand

So you pick yourself up
Paste on your pleasant face
March one foot after the other
And push on in life’s crazy race

Poetry Monday 2/3/14

February 3, 2014

Wiggling, smiling, attention seeking
Warm and friendly that’s what he is
Always there when I need a friend
When I go away he’s the one I miss

Sweet and kind, and a little bit hyper
I wouldn’t have him any other way
Because when everything seems wrong
Henry, my pup, you save the day!



Poetry Monday 1/27/14

January 27, 2014

Where do I go when I’m at whits end?
What can I do to get someone to mend
My sanity and bring peace back to me?

My savior calls for me to come
And my wife is a gift from
My creator to sooth every sore.

Poetry Monday 1/20/14

January 20, 2014

The dreamer has passed
But the dream lives on
In everyone hoping for a better tomorrow
Honor the dreamer
By seeking the dream
And bringing no others any sorrow

A world of equality
Opportunities for all
No matter race religion or creed
Leave behind arrogance
And selfish pride
Only then can society be freed

Freedom; an ideal
With tangible parts
Yet bigger than any one person can hold
So leave your burdens behind
Take the chips off our shoulders
And live a life that is nothing less than bold

On another note...

This is about my struggle to confront my fears of changing my direction all for a better life.

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